MiMAG-8 Mart Kadınlar Günü Kutlu Olsun!-Milagron.com

Happy Women's Day!

Birlikte olmaktan büyük mutluluk duyduğumuz, başarı hikayeleriyle Milagron'a her zaman ilham olan tasarımcılarımızdan sizlere mesaj var! Hayatımıza dokunan, geliştiren ve güçlendiren tüm kadınların Kadınlar Günü kutlu olsun!  Cansu KanıskanCansuxiHayallerini yüreğine,...
MiMAG-Yılbaşı Ruhunu En İyi Yansıtan Filmler-Milagron.com

Movies best reflecting on New Year's spirit

Love Actually: "Love Every Place", a British-made romantic comedy film, entered the vision in 2003. The film describes the love story of eight different couples living in London as Christmas...
MiMAG-Yeni Yıl Hediye Önerileri-Milagron.com

New Year Gift Recommendations

With the New Year's approach, the lights of the city went up, the celebration plans began to be determined, and in a nutcase, we were all excited about New Year's...
MiMAG-Dünden Bugüne “Trençkot”-Milagron.com

"Trenchcoat" to date from yesterday

Today, that particular part of the autumn-winter months indispensable trench coat has become a thing of the past and how we used to say at the moment which could kombinlen...
MiMAG-Manc ile Daha Güçlü, Daha Cesur!-Milagron.com

More powerful with manc, braver!

MANC Brand in 2018, Naz Koral and Flower Varuy has entered our life with its ownership partnership and started making our combinations stronger, more braver! As Milagrron Team this week,...
MiMAG-2022 Yılbaşı Kombin Önerileri-Milagron.com

2022 Christmas Combin Recommendations

Christmas means reds, greens, sequins, sims! While we were preferred in the year 2021, we are on the back of our preferred home combinations, we are dreaming of entering 2022...
MiMAG-Black Friday (Kara Cuma)-Milagron.com

Black Friday (Black Friday)

Black Friday (Black Friday) refers to the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, which is traditionally a holiday for many employees. It is usually a day full of private shopping...
MiMAG-Kampüse Dönüş-Milagron.com

Back campus

We are talking about the opening of universities for a short time ... "opening" are physically talking to the opening of universities and the campus will be returned; This means...
MiMAG-Modanın Oscar'ı: MET GALA 2021-Milagron.com


Costume Institute Gala is the known name of MET Gala, since 1948, each year to collect donations to the metropolitian museum. This activity, said as "the Oscar's Oscar Night", each...
MiMAG-Herschel ile Şehre Dönüş Vakti-Milagron.com

Time to return to town with Herschel

We started the months we are trying to keep up with the autumns and to keep up with the city! Type the eye baby to the wicker bags "Goodbye!" Deyip,...
MiMAG-Modaya Yön Veren İkonik Filmler-Milagron.com

Fashionable iconic movies

"Grease" (1978):  Very loved musical romance is still remembered with "grease", musical performances and inspiring costumes! In the film, Australian Change Student Sandy (Olivia Newton-John), is in love with Sandy...
MiMAG-New Era ile Stilini Tamamla!-Milagron.com

Complete your style with New Era!

New Era Hats, one of the most important parts of American sportswear, is now often we did not start seeing frequently? The new ERA brand established in the roaring twenties,...